Spring Break “Staycation” Ideas

by Joe

staycation-364x212Each year many families across the country look forward to the time honored tradition of Spring Break vacation. It is a chance to go away to a warm destination and break away from a week long school and work. For many families this time is also bonding time with school aged children. However, this does not come cheap. When you add in the cost of travel, accommodations, meals and entertainment along with activities, this can set back a family a few thousand dollars.

So if you are limited in funds and don’t think a Spring Break vacation is possible, think again. Staying at home or having a “Staycation” can also be an adventure for you and your family as long as you plan an experience that breaks away from your ordinary routine.

Here are a few ideas that you can do if funds are limited but you still want the bonding experience with you children.

Be a tourist in your own city.

You may be surprised at the places you may have overlooked in your own city or town. Check out your convention and visitor bureau for list or ideas and low cost museums and points of interest around town. There are plenty of free events and museums that you may not have thought of visiting. It can be both educational and a break from the usual things you may have done in town.

Camp out in the backyard.

Now who can’t get behind this idea? I am personally not a big fan of camping, so for those that are not very outdoorsy, camping with your kids in the backyard can be great. You can grill hotdogs over the open flame, make some s’mores and tell stories around the fire. It can be a great time for your children and they will forget that you never left home.

Enjoy a movie marathon.

During the rest of the year, you don’t have the time to sit all day and watch movies. You can set aside one day during your “Staycation” to binge on some movies you have not seen, make popcorn and make some pizza and just have some family time. If you looking to see some movies that are newer, there are many places where you can get discount cards for the movie theater. Check out some gift card websites for deals on some movie cards.

These are just a couple of ideas for families on budget and want the Spring Break vacation but have to make it into a “Staycation”. Even though you are staying home, break with usual activities and find some interesting things to do and place an experience for you and your family. But above all this time should be a time to bond with your family and children and a chance to make lasting memories.

Published on 2016-02-26 08:40:48